An efficient Dashboard
Real-Time Tracking: Monitors key putting metrics like loft, lie, stroke, tempo, face angle, and alignment.
Performance Analytics: Analyzes data to improve putting skills.
Supervised Training: Offers guided drills tailored to individual needs.
Putt Profile Reports: Highlights strengths and areas for improvement. User-Friendly
Interface: Easy navigation for quick access to data
Our LeMerle app measures:
Loft: Angle of the putter face affecting the ball's initial roll.Lie: Angle between the shaft and the ground for proper clubhead contact.
Stroke: Motion of striking the ball, determining direction and distance.
Tempo: Consistent and smooth putting rhythm, managed stroke amplitude.
Face Angle: 83% of the ball's trajectory is influenced by the face angle at impact.
Alignment: Ensures the putter's face aligns with the target line for accurate direction

Different modes
A "TRAINING" mode which enables you to analyze each of your putts, with a data collection feature.
A "LIVE" mode to analyze your putter's data in real-time.
Check in Real-Time your Putter's Position
Collect your data and check more Data to analyse your stroke, your tempo, your pace, your face angle...
"The SM71 range offers tremendous accuracy and forgiveness capabilities that can appeal to a wide range of golfers."